Thursday, January 10, 2008

Storm Damage

In this life, we shall have disappointments, that's a given. The way we deal with those disappointments determines the quality and depth of our lives. We KNOW this. Nobody will remember the winds that screamed through here last night like a freight train. This morning, on looking out of the kitchen window, the story started to unfold. Two big trees had succombed to the winds strength and fallen. I feel so sad. They're just trees. One of them had helped hold up the washing line that had held the clothes that flapped in the wind that howled round the house that Jack built! I remember telling my Mum last year about the trees that fell then. Her re-action: Lucky old you! Think of all that firewood, right in your back garden! Such wisdom! So now I thank the Almighty for providing next years firewood. I thank Him for sparing our little house from their demise. They could just as easily have blown here, rather than there. And I thank Him for giving me parents that so often looked on the sunny side of life. How refreshing. How nourishing!

1 comment:

Hanushka said...

Maman~ how sad! How lucky!