Thursday, February 17, 2011

Theodore Laurence Kouri was born on February 13th, at 7:37 pm, second child of Kevin and Emma Kouri, 21 inches long and weighing in at 9 lb 2 oz! Little brother to Sapphire Elizabeth, and added responsiblity for Cabot and Cooper!
This all may be perfectly true, but to me the miracle of new birth will never grow stale! One minute this little baby was hidden away in his Mummy's tummy, and now he's here, all snuffly and gorgeous, and smells so delicious!!!
So, thank You, Lord, for this beautiful little man! Thank You for a safe delivery! Thank You so much for taking care of our little family...

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011

I'm not really prone to making New Year's Resolutions...after a few weeks they don't mean anything anymore. Nevertheless, this January marks the beginning of a new me! I have over 100 lb to lose, and have started off well, losing 10.6 lb in just 3 weeks! I'd post a photograph of me now, but I simply can't abide to look at me! I'll wait until I'm positively anorexic before I post 'before' and 'after' photographs!! I have a semblance of pride left in me!! I have joined Weight Watchers (yet again!), but this time I have a few friends who joined with me, which makes for great support.
Hurray for new beginnings!