Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I had a thought of you today,
And wished you weren't so far away.
I thought of ways that I could say:
I hope you have a lovely day!

You have been a tiny star,
So bright and shining, tiny star!
A twinkle in your Daddy's eye,
A twinkle, twinkle, tiny star!

The love inside your Mama's heart
Is growing, growing every day
In ways that you alone can know,
She's overwhelmed, she loves you so!

And so I think of you today,
And know you aren't so far away!
I sing a little song to say
I hope you have a lovely day!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Paths to Places

There's something wonderful about pathways, old dirt roads, driveways. Anticipation. What will I find just around the corner? It's the way I live life. Most of the time. What will the day bring? Who will I meet? I think if you live each day full of anticipation, excitement could result. Could. But then, too, could disappointment. But if  I view my life as a journey, then anticipation for 'just around the corner' will always be there. And even if there's a mud-slide just around the corner, there's always another corner!