Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Glad I retrieved the chair cushions, tea cup and book!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Beginning Phase

From humble beginnings...! I can almost taste the omelettes, the poached eggs, the quiches, soft-boiled eggs with soldiers!! Here chook, chook, chook!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Down By The River

To walk leisurely down to the river. To breath deeply the sweet, pure air. To hear the shrill call of the hawk. To taste the glory of the deep woods. To see, to notice, the tiniest leaf pushing up through the moss. To sense the very presence of God. My heart is full!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Goodbye Mister Meow

Our hearts were so heavy this morning, as the moment came to bid Mister 'farewell'. And so, quietly, gently, he fell asleep in Hannah's arms and crossed over into the land of endless bliss: plenty of spats; unending supplies of catnip; no boundaries; no kitty litter needed there! He was laid to rest next to Caleb, with forget-me-nots planted on top of his grave, and a great view down the back hill to the river...He had used up all his 9 lives, and how!! Goodbye, dear Meow!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Here's the church!

And here's 'my' church: Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Marston Magna. I used to think it was ours because it practically sat in our garden. Our family always sat in almost the front 2 rows, well, behind Mrs. Hallett, who had to sit in the very front row. She played the organ very loudly, and often with many errant notes, which caused all my brothers to spurt off in elbow-digging giggles, which in turn initiated a prod from my Mother, which was tricky since she'd be trying very hard to hide her amusement at the whole affair. The boys would sit in front of us, and we girls would sit with the Mater and Pater. I liked to sit next to Mum, but more importantly, I made sure that I'd be sitting directly behind Richard. He was the naughtiest of all the bros, and therefore the most adventurous. When we knelt down to pray, then I'd be able to untie his laces if Mum's eyes were closed. Dad was oblivious to all the shenanigans going on around him, especially during the hymns. He loved to sing, but would often belt out the ancient hymns injecting his own words, thus creating another burst of giggles in the brothers' pew. Vi Chaney and Mrs. Batson would be vying for the top note at all costs...more prods!!
I loved going to church. We'd all dress up in our very best suits and overcoats. Leather gloves, hats and sensible shoes. Prayer books were retrieved from the drawer in the chest in the hall, and off we'd go: across the green, through the gate and up the well-trodden path to the church door, where the vicar would greet us. We'd file down the aisle to our family pews on the left, kneel down to pray for a minute or two, then we'd sit and wait for the opening hymn.
There were always beautiful flowers in the windows, and under the pulpit from whence came the 10-minute sermons, interminable did they seem to the boys in front! No heat at all in our church, in those days, so you had to make sure that you wore your wooly underthings!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Marston Magna

"I remember, I remember the house where I was born,
The little window where the sun came creeping in at dawn..."
This is Marston Magna Manor, the house where I was born, along with my brothers and sisters. My father bought the house after WWII for a song, and had 1,000 pounds knocked off for the church bells, and 1,000 pounds knocked off for the pesky ghost!!!! We lived there for about 45 years: carefree childhood, village life where everyone knew everyone, family butcher just round the corner, the brook that ran in front of the house in which we paddled and collected tadpoles and sticklebacks, the graveyard where we spent many happy hours playing pirates on the graves, and playing leapfrog over the Moore brothers' graves!! When we lived there, the front of the house was covered in climbing roses, and the heavy, oaken front door was always open, held ajar by a wrought iron lamb. The windows, too, were always open, and 2 cherry trees graced either side of the front gate...I remember, I remember!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spider In The Bath

Here's the cartoon that goes with the blog.

Spider in the Bath!

I like bunny rabbits, I like frogs.
I like pussycats, and I like dogs.
Talking to a tiger is like falling off a log.
Being friendly to the animals is easy!
I've got a couple of hamsters in the garden shed;
One's called Sebastian, and the other's called Fred.
I've even got a teddy bear I take to bed!
Being friendly with the animals is easy!

But, a spider in the bath, a spider in the bath!
A creepy crawly, creepy crawly spider in the bath!
I know he's only there because he wants to have a laugh!
With hairy legs and beady eyes that terrify and tantalize!
But, a spider in the bath, a spider in the bath!
A creepy crawly, creepy crawly spider in the bath!
I know he's only there because he wants to have a laugh!
I thought I'd put it down the drain but now he's climbing up the chain!
Spider in the bath!

I like elephants, and I like mice.
I'd take a lion cub at any price.
I've even heard that crocodiles can be quite nice.
Being friendly to the animals is easy!
I like caterpillars. I like snails.
I like a lizard with a very long tail.
I'd even go swimming with a big white whale.
Being friendly to the animals is easy!


I've a horrible feeling that the spider's still there!
He's hiding in the bathroom, but I don't know where.
But bath time's over now, so i don't care!
I thought I'd put him down the drain but now he's climbing up the chain!

Spiders! Eugh!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


"I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud" - William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay;
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed...and gazed...but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Life

How lovely to have all the kids come home for Easter...I'm still reeling! The nest of alabaster eggs is still on the table, reminding us of the beautiful weekend. It hardly seems possible now, but we had 86* F. temperatures on Saturday...followed by a beautiful Sunday...all to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus, the Christ! From death to life...a second chance...softened hearts and opened eyes. New life given so freely. Life at its best!
Here's Sapphie all dressed up in her beautiful new Easter dress from her Noni Kouri...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Oh, Happy Day!

A hike down to the river with Emma and Sapphie, Hannah, Sadie Dog, Cooper Dog, Moses Dog and Cabot Dog, and my joy was almost complete! (Soe, Colin and Kevin were up on Jay Peak, enjoying a day of Spring skiing and boarding.) This was the first time down to the river since my knee surgery, and the silly knee works!

We made our way down to the swimming hole, but the river was still very full. This didn't daunt the puppies in any way, and they all went in after sticks, although Cooper missed one and ended up in the middle of the raging river!! A little worrying to say the least, but he's fit as a fiddle and was able to swim to shore, none the worse for wear. It was 86* Fahrenheit on April 3rd 2010! Wow!
Here are a few piccies taken on the favourite is the one of the tree nibbled by the beaver, but the tree became caught, so he had to leave it where it landed! All that effort!