Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Cally!

This is Cally. Carolyn Margaret Brown was born in Longtown, near Carlisle, Cumberland, on June 22nd, 1947. I first met her when our family moved back to England from a few years in Malta, to find the Browns had moved into the Court House down the lane. I still remember her telephone number from all those years ago: Marston Magna 425! Cally wasn't too thrilled with all my freckles and dark skin, but in a very short time, we became good friends. Her lovely Dad, Gilbert, was the manager of Martin's Bank, next to the Cadena, in Yeovil. Her wonderful Mum, Sarah Handsome, or Sally, as she was known to us back then, played a mean piano and made the best cuppa I've ever had in all my born days! She used to be in the theatre in her younger days. The Browns had a little (was it pink?) Austin, NAO something! They often took me to the sea with them (was it Seatown?) The very first thing that we'd do is find kindling and firewood so that Gilbert could make a fire to boil the kettle to make a pot of tea!! Always, there was tea! I don't remember sand, just pebbles, ow! We had to wear plimsolls in the sea to protect our feet! The water was always freezing, but that never stopped we'd go and stay in until our lips turned blue, then out and rubbed down with thirsty towels, on with the thick jerseys, and ah! the perfect time for a nice cup of tea!! Bravo, Gilbert! Cally was my mostest, bestest friend! Blood sisters for ever! Happy Birthday, Cally!

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