Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Malta-Weave Knitting Bag

Today I found my Mummy's bag
The Malta-Weave striped knitting bag.
It used to hang right by her chair,
Her comfy, sagey fire-side chair.
She bought the bag when I was new
And she not more than thirty two.
It used to house her knitting things
Her needles, patterns, wools and pins,
With which she'd knit such lovely things
For tiny maidens, tiny kings!
It's nice to know that I love too
The art of knitting that she once knew.
It's nice to know that in that bag
Lie memories that never lag
When brought to mind, when stirred anew,
Of island warmth, of childhood muse.
I'd like to think she sees me now,
As I knit and click and hum and how
In this little bag I find such joy
As I knit for our little girl or boy!

1 comment:

Emma and Kevin Kouri said...

Yay! Baby Kouri can't wait to wear some home made socks!!