Monday, April 19, 2010

Marston Magna

"I remember, I remember the house where I was born,
The little window where the sun came creeping in at dawn..."
This is Marston Magna Manor, the house where I was born, along with my brothers and sisters. My father bought the house after WWII for a song, and had 1,000 pounds knocked off for the church bells, and 1,000 pounds knocked off for the pesky ghost!!!! We lived there for about 45 years: carefree childhood, village life where everyone knew everyone, family butcher just round the corner, the brook that ran in front of the house in which we paddled and collected tadpoles and sticklebacks, the graveyard where we spent many happy hours playing pirates on the graves, and playing leapfrog over the Moore brothers' graves!! When we lived there, the front of the house was covered in climbing roses, and the heavy, oaken front door was always open, held ajar by a wrought iron lamb. The windows, too, were always open, and 2 cherry trees graced either side of the front gate...I remember, I remember!

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