Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Observing the Sabbath!

The Bible is quite clear: ...and they shall hallow My Sabbaths. Terrible warnings are found therein concerning lifting one's finger on the Sabbath! And so, here we are, contemplating, being very careful not to do anything that might be construed as 'work'. We call it Sabbath Rest! ...and on the seventh day He rested, and it was good, it was very good!


Emma and Kevin Kouri said...

The only funny thing is, this was on a Monday!!!! I know because Papa sent me the picture. Caught in the act of Sloth!!!

Unknown said...

If Papa sent you the picture, he was a day late...I'm wearing my basic black go to Sunday meeting dress! Besides, this is something that simply wouldn't happen on a Monday...get up and go day! One day, when I'm a hundred, I shall do this every day!! x