Monday, August 17, 2009

Cicada joins us for breakfast!

Out of the blue, 'twas the least we could do,

We invited Cicada to breakfast!

It hadn't been planned for Hannah to land 'pon his back,

So impromptu, ere breakfast!

Tucked hidden away, seventeen years to the day,

He stretched and he grew under bark.

'Til at last he was cooked, and out of there booked

It, though hard 'twas to see in the dark!

So merrily skipping, careful not to be tipping

The cream, she came to set table;

But alas, and alack, landed right on his back,

Which rendered that poor thing disabled!

People weren't that keen, to invite him, I mean!

For unhealthy thoughts 'twould awaken.

But with membranous wings, though he now couldn't sing,

We sat him right next to the bacon!

So thanks for the song that you'd taken so long

To develop, but now you lie still...

Under JP's hydrangea, what could be stranger!

You lie silent on top of the hill!

1 comment:

Emma and Kevin Kouri said...

And what a wonderful guest he was!! Loved the poem mummy